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Uninsured Vehicles 

Nearly 57% of vehicles running on Indian roads are uninsured, according to the Insurance Information Bureau of India’s annual report. Released on 7th December 2020. Insured drivers should take this report seriously, as more and more vehicles are not being insured. (54% of all vehicles were not insured in 2018) This upward trend can be seen even after the Supreme Court ruled that third-party insurance is mandatory and all new vehicles have to purchase three years of insurance upfront. The majority of uninsured vehicles are two wheelers.

The total number of third-party claims reported in 2019 was 3.25 lakh. Overall Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh contributed two-thirds of the total third-party claims. In Kerala, nearly 86 per cent of the total third-party claims was for injuries, whereas in Bihar nearly 80 per cent was for deaths.

On Indian roads

Accidents are a daily occurrence.  We have all seen or experienced the fights that occur when an accident happens. The reason behind this is sometimes one of the drivers is uninsured. So they don’t have the money to pay for the repairs of their vehicle. They would rather blame the other driver and ensure that they are paid via a third-party claim from an insurance company. This does not bode well for the 43% of insured law-abiding drivers. For those insured, protect your no claims bonus by installing our Dash Camera. As it will prove your innocence with its video footage of the accident. Hence, all arguments after road accidents  can be solved with the help of a dash cam.

For more Information about Dash Cameras and how to protect your no claims bonus contact Safe Cams.

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